
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Parenting is hard work/ Parenting

Being a parent is such hard work, I used to want six kids and now I think I'll stick to three. My youngest who is almost three is making me crazy. She tests me every minute that she can. She loves to push my buttons. Nothing works either, I try time outs, I ignore her but she is so strong willed. On the other hand she can be such a sweet heart. She loves watching me get ready in the morning, she hands me all my make up. Its so sweet she trys to do everything just like me. She is just so demanding. I can't seem to please her. She wants Barney, she wants blocks, bologna, I can't keep up. My two older children were never like that. They had their moments, but nothing like this girl. They are all hitting different phases in their sweet little lives. My son is acting so much older wanting to be more independent, I can't even kiss him at the bus stop any more. My older daughter just acts so much older she has been giving out her phone number at school, in one night we had 4 girls calling for her. She cracks me up. Well and my youngest she does not seem to be getting any better. I hear that three's are sometimes worse than two's. I guess we shall see.


Blogger coastalcutie2000 said...

My two are 15 and 17, and are different as night and day. My son was like your youngest (still is in many ways!) Never let them tell you that boys are easier than girls!

My daughter was very very independant as a youngster, and still is very opinionated, but she is my best friend now and I am sooooo happy that our relationship turned out that way! Patience is a virtue, or in the case of kids, a necessity and a half!!!

I found that the even years in general were a lot more difficult than the odd years... go figure!


March 15, 2007 at 11:03 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

You have so many blogs! How do you have time for them all -- especially as a daycare provider?! I have just one and I can hardly make time to post daily!

Your kids are adorable!


March 30, 2007 at 1:18 PM  
Blogger Call Me Steph said...

Hello... your babies are so pretty.

April 2, 2007 at 2:17 PM  
Blogger Blogger said...

Hi Shelly, sometime back you visited and left a comment in my blog. Just wanted to visit your blog and check it out. Lovely kids you've got there. I also tried to list my blog at but the site didn't seem to load.

Take care and hear from you soon.


October 6, 2007 at 11:16 PM  

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